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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time to Re-Group!

We have been supper-busy over the past month - soccer, a trip to visit the grandparents, church things, school (for Mommy, Tater & Bruiser!), doctor appointments, a business trip for Daddy, and so on. Add all that to the typical fall colds and our normal errands and responsibilities, and you get one tired family (especially this Mommy!).

And I wish I could say things were slowing down...but not likely! This weekend, we have plans to go to the Spooky Zoo (an annual tradition!), my small group at church, and The NephCure Walk to support Tater's kidney disease - on top of soccer and Bruiser's Saturday class. Then next weekend, Mimi and Papa come to visit and we have Gracie's party! And after that - Halloween! Thinking about it all makes me want to go crawl in bed!

But, seriously, that's where I'd love to be! I don't know if it is the constant activity or the change in the weather, but I'm ready to curl up under a blanket and hide out in our house. It just beginning to feel like a bit too much work to manage it all. Maybe it's because we had no real vacation this summer. Maybe its because its hard to get a break with no family nearby. Maybe its because I'm just plain tired!

Okay, I'm done whining...for now! I'm off to make dinner, bake cookies, make pumpkin bread, entertain 3 children (who are probably a bit cranky after their naps!), and then go to a church meeting, where I'll probably add a few more things to my plate!

Just for fun, here is a quick shot of Bruiser stealing Tater's apple cake she made at preschool. In the end, she was okay with because she didn't really want to eat it with all the cinnamon she added to it!

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