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Friday, July 10, 2009

VBS Re-Cap and Prayer Request

Tater spent her first week at Vacation Bible School at our church...and she had a blast! The program is awesome - they bring in counselors from within our synod and run it all day for five days. I dropped her off between 8 and 9 in the morning and picked her up between 4 and 5 in the evening. There was lots of learning, singing, eating and playing! Like I said... she had a blast! She couldn't wait to get out of the house in the morning and was never ready to leave when I got there. My social butterfly had no separation anxiety and even helped her friends, who had a few sad moments.

She learned some great songs about a shark and a peach and gorilla - ask her the next time you see her! They made rockets, robots, gak, tie-dye t-shirts, and flowers. They had supper-cool slip and slide races - definitely the hit if the week!

Even with all that, there was a downside - Tater is exhausted! She came home each evening and crashed on the couch, ate a good dinner, and was in bed (asleep!) by 7. And I think it all took a real toll on her. She started with a low-grade temperature on Wednesday and is now spilling protein. Those of you who know Tater's history know that this means she is relapsing and is back on Prednisone. Say a little prayer for her! And I have to say, this scares me a bit - if one week did this to her, what's going to happen when she's in school full-time? Yikes!

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