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Friday, August 28, 2009

Another Goodbye...Please No More!

This morning, we bid farewell to another set of friends who have decided to move to yet another non-existent state. I mean, really, who moves to Texas in August?

With tears and hugs and promises of many visits, Dana and Nicholas headed out this morning on their road trip to their new and first house in Austin. We've had a fun two years getting to know them, sharing our children with them, and spending fun-filled evenings that usually involved food, video games, and yummy drinks!

Dana spent almost every day here over the past year, watching the little ones so I could venture off to work. She became such a part of our daily life! She was here from the time Miss Wiggles came home from the hospital, watching her grow into the wiggle worm she's become! It's so hard to know that she will miss all those little day-to-day milestones!

As they drove off this morning, embarking on their multi-state adventure, Bruiser watched them go and then called out, "I ride Na-Na's far!" But I quickly told him that there was no way I would ever allow him to move to such a non-existent state!

Have a safe trip, Dana and Nicholas! We can't wait to see the blog entries of your new adventure! And let us know when you've booked your flight for your first visit back or when the heat has driven you out of Texas...which ever happens first!)!

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