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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesdays (a link-up!)

Today I'm joining Andrea over at Momfessionals for her Tuesday Show and Tell link-up.

This has been a year of re-defining who I am...craziness!

I was born and raised in Pennsylvania.  I have a younger brother and sister and enjoyed a wonderful childhood with 2 fabulous parents.  I attended a local state university, majoring elementary, early childhood, and literacy education.  While in college, I met my husband :).  We lived on the same floor of a co-ed dorm and the rest is history!  I took a teaching job in kindergarten right after graduating and spent that year planning a sweet wedding to the man of my dreams.

During that planning year, my soon-to-be husband decided he wanted to continue his education in graduate school.  So we began exploring and he started applying.  None of the local schools seemed quite right...and then we traveled to Providence, RI to visit Brown University...because Ivy League, right???  Well, the decision was made.  We married in April and in August, without a job for me and at the young age of 23, we packed all we owned and moved to the smallest state in the country!

I was SOOOO homesick!  But I landed a dream job, began graduate school for myself, spent a lot time visiting the beaches nearby, and made frequent trips back "home."  Besides, my husband promised to move us back to Pennsylvania in 5 years, when he finished his PhD program.  Well, 15+ years later, we are still here!  Life!

We have settled into a great neighborhood and a great house.  We have 4 amazing children.  I continued to teach up until this fall.  I loved my job and enjoyed being at the same school as my children attended.  But then I decided I didn't love it any more and really wanted to love being a mom.  So I took some time off and I'm doing what I really want to do!!!

These are my four crazies!

Tater, our first born, is almost 11 and approaching those pre-teen years.  She is a sweet and pleasing child and works hard to be a great big sister.  She has struggled with a few serious medical issues through her life but is having an amazing year!

Bruiser is our first boy and is loving but tough.  We have battled with many issues, ranging from anxiety to sensory issues to mild ASD.  He is having a great year in third grade and things are balancing out.

Sassy is your typical third child!  Full of spunk and always surprising us.  She never does what you expect!

And then there is our bonus, Bubba!  He's a bundle of snuggles and spitfire.  I love spending my days watching him grow and challenge me as only a toddler can!

Thanks for stopping by and check back soon to read about our 2016 verses and goals...I love that I now have the time to focus on our family and put 100% of my efforts towards making our dreams and wishes come true!

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