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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's Only Wednesday????

The first full week of school is taking a toll on all of us!

Daddy is in full production in the plant at work this week...which means phone calls at all hours of the night and longs hours at work...which means less time at home with us!

I'm busy settling into a new school year, helping new students adapt, helping my own children adapt to the new schedule, and keeping up with our already busy schedule. Sleep is craved but hard to achieve!

Tater has slipped easily into kindergarten and loves the bus ride! She has started dance class and is looking forward to becoming a Daisy Girl Scout later this month. She is very tired and moody with all the changes and is dreading her first day of homework!

We thought Bruiser had settled back into school nicely...until today! He refused to get on the bus and I had to carry a screaming child onto the bus and climb off feeling like the worst mommy ever. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better. He has started therapy for his sensory issues and had an awesome session yesterday...he even tolerated the swing on his back for several minutes and he usually freaks out with this!

Sassy is being her normal sassy self! She has learned to climb...everything! Honestly, she has NO FEAR!!!! She also starts dance class this week and will actually be in the recital in cute is that?!?

And...because we never seem to have enough going on!...we made a major new purchase for the girls today (weekend project!), made plans for another beach day this weekend, hope to get in some apple picking, and are planning for several weekend visits from out-of-state guests and a trip to Papa and Mimi's for us. I'm so tired just typing all this!

Now I'm off to finish more school stuff so I am ready for Open House on Monday night...where I have to be a parent and a teacher...not so sure how that's gonna happen!

Hope your week is a bit less stressful and a bit more peaceful!

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