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Monday, January 4, 2010

One Word for 2010

"Last year, a good friend of mine summed up her goals for 2009 in one word. She got the idea from someone who works with Compassion International. So yeah, I'm not original. BUT, I loved the idea then and I love it now."

This is from Janel over at Dandelion Dayz and I'm joining in on her New Year's carnival. What a great way to get yourself focused on the new year and to stream;ine your expectations!

So here goes -

bal * anced

1.Made even

(equalized, poised, equal, stabilized, harmonious, steady, stable)

So much of the past year has been spent running from one thing to the next, living with exhaustion, and never doing anything with my "all". I never felt that I did my best and served those I love with my full attention. Every day was a struggle to get the basics accomplished and to attempt to touch on the extras and bonuses.

This year my goal is to look carefully at my obligations and expectations and to decide what I can do well and what I need to let go. I'm learning that I am just one person and that there are only 24 hours in a day! I can only do so much!

So you may see less of me and hear less of what is going on in our lives but you can be reassured that our life will be balanced with love and attention to family and God - the things that truly matter!

1 comment:

  1. I love this word. I think women really struggle with balance. I also think people define it in many ways but what really matters is how it looks in your life. Great word!!! Thanks for playing along!
