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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We're Still Here!

Hello, bloggy world! We are still here...just a little disconnected from blogging this week!

Tater is still at Papa and Mimi's until Saturday (so you'd think we'd have some free time...yeah, right!). We are so excited to have her home and cuddled her up! It's hard to tell who is the most excited...Mommy and Daddy or Bruiser and Wiggles! They miss her so much and can't wait to "go get Sissy" as Bruiser says just about hourly.

Bruiser has had a tough few weeks. Transitions have been a nightmare, dinnertime is disastrous, and there is LOTS of crying (from both Bruiser and Mommy!). We are slowly putting some more supports in place for him. I'm waiting to hear more about out-patient OT, which should help him more with transitioning and controlling his frustrations. It has just been an exhausting week parenting him. I'm hoping to see a change when Tater returns and things are back to normal (or the new summer normal!).

Miss Wiggles has had her EI evaluation and is being picked up for gross motor and speech services. Her muscle tone in her hips is basically non-existent and she falls all the time! So we are starting EI twice a month, dance class once a week, a group through EI once a week, and all sorts of at-home therapies. Just what we need...more on our schedule!

Thank goodness I only have nine more days of school...I need vacation to find the time to get these kids where they need to be for the summer! We have various VBS camps, art camps, dance, small groups, summer school, play dates, birthday parties, etc. I am going into full "Mommy Taxi" mode before the end of the month!

So, for the next week or so, things might be a bit sparse...I do have to find time to do report cards, pull together end of the year teacher and helper gifts, close up my classroom, and continue with our daily normal routines. Things are going to be a bit more busy than normal!

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