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Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Season of Sickness Has Arrived!

All three kids have been coughing and sneezing and wiping their slime on me for the past few weeks.  I had been expecting this season of our life...but that doesn't mean I'm ready to accept it!

We had Sassy's birthday party last Saturday and I was feeling a bit yucky.  I got up early Sunday to head to an annual tag sale that I refuse to miss...and then spent the rest of the day on the couch with chills and a fever.  Luckily that was it and I felt fine to head off to work all week.

Then Wednesday, the school nurse appeared at my classroom door with Tater.  Her asthma was acting up and we agreed to max out her inhaler dosage and see if she was breathing better.  It helped for about an hour.  So after we picked up Sassy from school, we headed to the doctor.  With Tater and her kidneys and her immunity issues, we (and the doctors) don't mess around.  Luckily the 12 puffs of inhaler medicine, her lungs were clear.  Unluckily, she had spiked a temperature and the doctor was worried about pneumonia.  So off we went for chest x-rays.  While we were waiting for the orders to take with us, Sassy managed to fall off the examine table and cut her tongue on both sides and gush blood for a bit.  Never a dull moment!

So I took all three kids to the hospital, took them in for the x-ray, sat in the hallway with the two littles while my big girl did her x-ray by herself, and walked out of the imaging center to see Daddy arrive to help.  Yeah. 

Luckily the lungs were clear.  So we headed home with yet another "virus."  And then the hives arrived.  Yes, hives.  All over her little body, head to toe!  It was a long night...but still just a "virus."

Daddy spent Thursday at home with Tater.  I luckily had Friday off for Veteran's Day.  Tater and I hung out and ran some errands while our amazing sitter took the littles to the zoo for the day.  They had a blast and Tater had a great day with Mommy.

Then Sassy woke up from her nap...with 101 temperature.  And the dreaded cough.  I almost cried!

This morning a hot little one crawled in my bed and snuggled in very sweetly.  We broke the news to Tater that she still had a fever and couldn't go to a birthday party she had been looking forward to.  There was some drama.  Okay, there was a LOT of drama. 

We regrouped and forced ourselves to bundle up and run a few necessary errands.  Then we came home to cuddle a bit more.  Daddy finished packing and headed off on his business trip.  I'm here with two sick girls and all of us are a bit stir-crazy.  Tomorrow may be a VERY long long we have to venture out for a bit of a shopping adventure at some point. 

It looks like we are in this for the long and the kids...and Pop-Pop when he arrives on Monday!

We welcome all and any prayers that the grown ups survive!

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