Daddy had heard of a new-to-us beach to check out. It's a beach that you can park right at the sand/rocks. Every parent who has ever hauled cart-loads of supplies dream, right? So we took advantage of a free Sunday afternoon and temperatures above freezing to take a drive and check it out. Totally spur of the that we started driving as I googled the location to get the correct name and then hurried to enter it in the GPS...thank God for technology and smart phones :)
I probably should have checked the weather for wind predictions...because even though it wasn't super-cold, it was quite blustery! The waves were AMAZING! And the kids had a blast exploring and talking about summer and a return trip!
Caught Daddy when he wasn't paying attention to the camera :)
The wind and waves were amazing and I couldn't get enough!
I'm truly a beach matter the season!
Best shot I could get...the wind was so strong they couldn't stand up!
Summer can't come soon enough...