Monday, January 8, 2018

December - Catch-Up!

December - anyone else feel like it flew by?  I think it had to do with Christmas falling over the weekend or something but I feel like I just blinked and it was over!

We found a great new tree farm to get our tree this year...wagon ride to the field to pick a tree and then watch it get chopped down.  And free hot cocoa...need I say more????

Thanks to our new house and tall ceilings, we picked out a TALL tree this year (over 8 feet!) and loved every inch of it!

One day we came home from school and the littlest decided he needed to help shovel - pretty much the cutest little helper I've seen!

And that brings us to the winter dance recital at our new studio!
I volunteered on day #1 so I was there for the rehearsal and the recital.  The opening number was in pjs and we had a tag-along for the morning :)  Miss K. is our neighbor and in Sassy's Tumble, Hip-Hop, Jazz class.


Waiting to go on stage!

So pretty!

Backstage view :)

I was in charge of Sassy's ballet class when they weren't on stage and the teacher in me need to entertain - so Dollar Tree crafts for the win!

 Sadly, Sassy woke up on day #2 with the stomach bug.  Daddy went with Tater and Bruiser and saw Tater dance while I stayed home with the littles.  Sassy rallied by the evening and we went to their AWANA Christmas play.  She did not feel great but refused to miss anymore!

And that blur by the manger was Bubba as a star - he might have stolen the show!

Sassy was good for school the next day and she had cookie decorating with her class 
and I got to help :)

By Tuesday, Bruiser was taken down by the bug and earned a trip to the local ER to get his steroid shot that he has to have with adrenal insufficiency - yay... 

Then the next day he was well enough, I could leave him to go for Bubba's preschool Christmas party...a craft and snacks for the win!

 And then Bubba got taken down by the bug on Friday - and we said serious prayers and guzzled all the grape juice in hopes of ridding the house of the evilness before Christmas.  Luckily it seemed to work and we moved on to have a lovely holiday!

 Bruiser brought home a gingerbread house from school - he was supper proud!

 This came up in my Timehop and of how I missed my littles!

Soon to follow are the final days of the elf, Christmas Eve and Day and our fun-filled break!

Happy 2018!

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