Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekend In Review

We've had a busy, fun, relaxing family weekend and here are a few photos to show you!

Lazy Labor Day morning!

Can you see Miss Wiggles grabbing him? She's trouble!

Miss Wiggles first hair fountain!

A new kind of hair bow that Mommy made last night

Pretty girl!

Miss Wiggles

Our two new paths we (yes, we, as in Daddy and me!) installed yesterday afternoon. Now I can walk from the front door to the driveway without walking in the mud! Thanks to wonderful neighbors and their personal "quarry" of previously-used stones, this project cost us NOTHING!!!!

Bruiser coloring!

Princess Tater!


  1. How long did Miss Wiggles keep the fountain in before ripping it out?

    I love the new walkway!!! Does Daddy know that he will have to shovel that, too, in the winter?

  2. gotta love the free projects, nice! and hair bows too of course
