Monday, August 7, 2017

A fun summer link-up...
since we are still settling and the kids are still not in school and I have NO time!!!

1. Pool, lake or ocean? The ocean all the way!  I'm really struggling with our move from RI to MI - the lake just isn't the ocean!!!
2. Camping, cottage, or hotel?  Hotel, please!
3. Favorite ice cream flavor?  Chocolate chip cookie dough :)
4. PJs, nightgown, tshirt/shorts or birthday suit?  t-shirt
5. Fave summer beverage? Wine :)
6. Would you rather be hot or cold?  Definitely cold since I can always add layers.  
7. Sandals with heels or flats?  Flip-flops!
8. Shorts or skirts?  Dresses!
9. Sit in the sun or the shade?  Both!  The shade after I get hot 😂
10. Water, tea, or soda coke?  Water always
11. Fave summer fruit/vegetable?  Celery and dip 
12. Sunrise or sunset?  Sunset...over the lake...amazing!
13. Bike ride or walk?  Walk 
14. Winery or brewery?  Winery
15. Garden or no garden?  A garden (with a!)
16. Big summer concert or music in the park?  Big summer concert!
17. Fave cookout food?  steak
18. Dine indoors or patio?  Outdoor dining 
19. Fave summer destination  OCNJ
20. Big theme park or local carnival?  Small family run park - Knoebels
21. Drinks blended or on the rocks?  On the rocks, please :)
22. Popsicle or freeze flavor of choice?  Root beer 
23. Hot dog or hamburger?  Hot dog!