Sunday, June 2, 2013

March 2013 Catch-Up!

We're almost there!  And then you'll be all up-to-date on our busy, crazy life!

We started the month with a visit to a new indoor trampoline park.  Poor Sassy missed the height requirement by centimeters and got sent to toddler land.  I think she secretly enjoyed having Mommy to herself :).

Sassy and Daddy had some quality reading time.

Bruiser had another asthma episode.  Back in September he had his first flair and spent a day in the PICU.  That was considered a one-time episode.  Then we repeated it in February...and spent more time in the hospital.  That one was scarier to see how quickly he went downhill and how long it took for the medicine to work.  So off we marched to the allergist!  He is now considered an extremely serious asthmatic and we have major medicine at home as well as strict detailed plans on when to treat and when to head to the ER.  We have mixed feeling on albuterol...the hyperactivity is killing us all :)

So this was his last ER visit...we gave steroids at home and were able to avoid the PICU this time!

My big girl likes to make her own lunch...and sometimes her brother's!

Then the week-long fever virus hit :(.  The boy was down for the count and it quickly led right into my much-anticipated maternity leave...a few days early!

He bounced back to play outside a bit!

Easter followed the virus and ended with Mommy catching it :(
We spent a very quiet day at home and enjoying our goodies from the bunny.

The kids' school had its annual pasta dinner fundraiser and Sassy took her turn in jail!  Last year we were big winners but this year we just enjoyed ourselves one last time as a family of 5!

And I just loved this enjoy!

And that was March!