The Easter Photo Shoot!

As is always the case now a days...we tried for a groups shot but came up with a few good individuals!

And this is the best of the group!

It Has Been An Adventure!

Wow - we were babies!  Twelve years have past and so much has happened.  It has been a wild, crazy, unpredictable adventure.  There have been many opportunities for us to grow together and individually.  I love what our family has become - Wedgie and all!  I love that although we don't know what adventures will come over the next 12 years (and I'm sure there will be some big ones!), we will be doing it all together!

I wouldn't choose to share this life with anyone else...
I love you more today than yesterday!
Happy 12th Anniversary at the House of Sprout

Easter Morning 2012

 The mystery Easter Bunny struck again!
For 5 or 6 years we have woken up to 5 shiny eggs in our front yard (and all the neighborhood houses with children) filled with money.  We have yet to figure out who it is, but it is a tradition we love and treasure!

Bruiser and Sassy's pictures are blurry because they didn't STOP moving!!!

Love this face!

So intent!

And on to Sassy!
She was so methodical in inspecting everything in her basket.  Her favorite might have been the Hello Kitty hair ties!

And here is what will come next!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Swinging into Spring!

We up-graded our tree swing this spring, from an infant seat to this:

They all enjoy it but I think Bruiser is in HEAVEN!