Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We are still here...just busy with life!  You know, the normal things - school, work, therapies, medical mysteries, various therapies, multiple daily meltdowns...you know, the normal things!

I promise a good juicy update soon...with pictures even!  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Because I'm trying not to forget these moments!

Driving home from school today, Tater was teasing Bruiser (and there was lots of screaming!).  She said she had something for him but it was a secret.  He immediately responded "I don't have time for secrets!"

Then we stopped at Sassy's school to pick her up.  Her teacher told me that she didn't want to eat her chicken at lunch.  So they gave her the choice of eating one piece or going to her nap mat.  Sassy, who hates to nap at school, got up, walked to her nap mat and laid down!  She was determined to not eat the chicken!

Monday, January 9, 2012

And Then He Turned Five!

Five years ago tonight I was cuddling a soft, sweet-smelling little infant.  Tonight I had to wrestle a rough and tumble five-year-old to get a snuggle.  Where has the time gone???

Bruiser turned five to day and celebrated with all things five!  There were cupcakes (from a "local" gluten-free bakery...more on that in another post!) and gifts that included Transformers, Star Wars, and Cars 2.  There was excitement and meltdowns...a typical Bruiser kind of day!

I love that sweet little face!  I look at him and find it hard to believe that he is FIVE!  He still remains the best snuggler, a boy with weapon for a head, and the best tickle giggler!  His world revolves around cars, dinosaurs, Taggies, Star Wars, and routine.  He has the best imagination and the cutest pronunciations of words (my favorite being "hun-one-dred"!).  This is the last year of preschool and next year will bring changes with kindergarten and a new building, a new (but well-known) teacher, and many new friends.  But no matter what comes down the path, i know one thing - my boy will always come to me for snuggles, with thumb tucked in mouth and a Taggie looped over his finger!

So, Bruiser, no matter how big you get "my baby you'll be"!

Love and snuggles, five-year-old!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

(Finally!) Christmas 2011

All ready for Santa to come!

There might have been some very good (or very lucky!) children at the House of Sprout!

Waiting to come down the steps and see if Santa came!

Bruiser playing with his most-wanted toy of the year...
thank you, Pop-Pop and Memaw!

Sassy doing a bit ironing...

and taking a break on her new bench!

Showing off their new dolls...Tater wanted it in the worst way and Sassy wasn't sure what to think of it all!

Bruiser opening one of many Transformers.

A bit of playing!

Some new doll outfits!

Chatting with Mimi

Feeding her new pet

And visiting with Papa!

It was a busy week with lots of relaxing moments.  There are many new toys to enjoy and many thanks to send.  While the pictures were a bit lacking, the memories are endless!

Slowly Bouncing Back...

Christmas happened.  Christmas #2 happened.  I took pictures.  We enjoyed family.  We made memories.

Then the hard drive on the computer crashed.  Just like that.  Gone.

Thank God for our warranty!  The new hard drive arrived this week.  Hopefully my photo editing software will get loaded tomorrow...

and then I can share Christmas!

Stay tuned!