Monday, July 25, 2011


Bruiser had surgery this morning to remove his ear tubes.  There are two problems with that statement:

1.  It was morning...early the alarm went off at 5:30 am...on summer vacation.
2.  He had to have them surgically removed because they didn't fall out on his own.  This happens to less than 1% of the hundreds of thousands of children who get tubes.  The nurses kept questioning why we were there.  It was something like "He's here for ear have them removed?"  At 6:30 this morning...on summer vacation...

Luckily, they figured out what they were supposed to do and all went well.  We were home before 9...yes, in the morning...amazing what they can accomplish in such a quick time!  Now he's running around acting like his crazy self!

On another note, potty training (as I jinx myself) is going well...with both Bruiser and Sassy...although Sassy prefers to pee outside on a tree rather use the potty.  We need to work on what is appropriate for princesses. 

We are rewarding successes with M& well as bribing to accomplish any other task or chore I need them to do...but that's another story!  I've just been picking up the "grab and share" bags from the check-out lane at Target.  I thought it worked.  But then Daddy went to Sam's on Sunday and brought home this:

I think we'll be set for a while.  We might be able to potty train the entire neighborhood with this!

We spent the weekend painting the living room and redecorating a bit.  I hung this on the wall:

I love that it says "We do loud really well."  It's really true.

Since we had to get up this morning at the morning...on summer vacation...Sassy had a sleepover at our friends' house.  It was her first sleepover and she was SUPER excited.  She packed her Nuks and put on her sister's backpack and was ready to go.  The candy gave her the energy to walk around the block to the neighbors' house.  I've heard she did well.  She was asleep around 11 and switched beds around the morning...on summer vacation.  But she ended the night sleeping between her two favorite "boy" all was right in her world!

And to give you a giggle...this is what happens when Sassy dresses herself!  Know that the backpack is a permanent accessory.

Oh, and to bring it full-circle back to potty training...Bruiser has done so well that he earned his big potty prize that he picked out LAST year...and has been sitting in our house waiting for him to be successful.  He was SO excited...never mind that he pooped in his underwear the next morning...we all make mistakes!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is It Really A Vacation????

Looks like Papa and Mimi have put Tater to work while she's visiting!
Hope she's earning her keep!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

We're Trying to Stay Cool!

We even take our "babies" in the water to cool off!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It Was An Uncle Jason Kind of Day!

Uncle Jason was in Boston for work over the weekend and we headed up to take him out on the town today!  Sassy and Bruiser were SO excited to see "Jashon" and his "house"!  
Jason and Bruiser snuggling in Uncle Jason's night-night.

Bruiser pretending to sleep through his giggles!

We had no set plans but decided we needed to spend some time indoors since the temperature outside was well above 90 degrees.  The final decision was to head over to the New England Aquarium for the afternoon.  This involved a few block walk, a T ride, and another several block walk...all in the heat...all with two little ones and a stroller.  During that second walk, we stopped at a local New England favorite for some cool drinks and a quick snack.

Oh, and did I mention...once we arrived at the aquarium, we had to wait in the sun! buy the tickets?  Plain and simple...IT WAS HOT!  And anyone that knows me knows I don't like the heat...for some reason my body doesn't do well with it!  And even more...I hate to sweat!  Yeah, just lovely! 

But all that aside, we had a blast with the kids and spending time with Uncle Jason!

The harbor seals

Sassy touching a sea star

Can you even stand these sweet little poses?!?!

LOVE those curls!

Someone loves their Uncle Jason!

This was the best I could get Bruiser to pose...he had his own agenda and it didn't include my camera!

Sassy petting a stingray...Bruiser wouldn't come near!

Uncle Jason petting another kind of stingray.
This little guy liked Jason so much that he came back around and just hung out with Jason rubbing his back!

After the aquarium, we walked a block to a local splash park/fountain.  It was just right there in the middle of the city.  If I hadn't had so many inhibitions, I would have hopped right was that warm out!  The kids were slow to "warm" up to it but finally ended up soaked.  Thank goodness for potty training...I had several changes of clothes along!  One of the best moments was when Uncle Jason thought he was being so tricky placing Sassy on one of the spouts and the water splashed him right in the face...super hilarious!

Bruiser spent a long time checking it all out...

...and waiting for the splash...

...until he finally got a bit wet...

...and then dove right into the center of it all!

We ended the day with a yummy...and cool!...dinner at The Black Rose Irish Pub.  Sassy entertained the restaurant along with the live performer and Bruiser held it together as best as he could!  The grown-ups relaxed a bit and cooled off...before heading back into the heat and beginning the trek back to Uncle Jason's "house." 

Our venture through the T system was hot and not very stroller-friendly!  That darn green line!  It was a long hot walk to the hotel and the garage that held out car.  But we survived and safely made it to Uncle Jason's room for potty breaks and pull-ups before beginning the drive home.  There were tears as we left Uncle Jason, who needed to get some actual work done, but they dried quickly as the little eyes drifted closed on their way to dreamland! 

It was a fun day and great time just enjoying Uncle Jason.  We missed Tater and Aunt Heather...but, really, another child and a pregnant woman in the heat of a city...that might not of been very good!

Side Note:  We've been potty training both Sassy and Bruiser for the past two weeks (because we are crazy like that here at the House of Sprout!).  Mind you, I HATE potty training...almost as much as the stomach bug!  Yes, it's that bad!  A little day trip wasn't going to stop me!  We went in underwear and wore the same ones ALL day (except for the change after the splash fountain!)...and had successful potty breaks all day long!  Dare I say...the end is in sight?  Oh, and the best part?  The pull-ups we put on them for the drive home?  They were dry when we got home!  Good job, Sassy and Bruiser!

I think this shot of Sassy sums the whole day up!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Perfect Summer Read!

Courting Miss Amsel, Kim Vogel Sawyer, 978-0-7642-0784-6

I recently had the opportunity to review Courting Miss Amsel by Kim Vogel Sawyer for Bethany House Publishers.  Now, I say "recently" but, as my loyal readers all know, now happens recently in the House of Sprout!  I have had this book on my nightstand for about three months, waiting for the time when I could read a complete sentence without interruption...again, the reason things take so long in our house!

Luckily (for my sanity and your knowledge of this book!), summer has arrived!  This is one of two times that I actually get to finish a book.  The other is the week between Christmas and New Year's, when we visit family that have no television in the room we stay in!

Courting Miss Amsel is a Christian fiction novel that grabs you from the first chapter.  The main character, Edythe is an older first-year teacher in a small town one-room schoolhouse.  She shares her love of learning with her students through unusual methods that raise the eyebrows of several town leaders.  While she earns the respect and love of most students, one child tests her classroom management any teacher (myself included!) can sympathize with!  Add in to all this, family dramas, a search for a relationship with God, and a budding romance...and this book has captured it all!

So if you are looking for a book to relax and enjoy while sitting on the beach, by the pool, or on the couch (at night after the kids are asleep!), then I highly recommend this book.  I'm actually on my way to "google" the author and find more of her works to fill the rest of my summer!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Slave Labor (also named "The Reason We Had Children")

This past week we upgraded our refrigerator that suited a family of two to one that fits our family of five.  We now have a bigger fridge, freezer on the bottom, and ice and water on the door.  The new fridge barely fit in the house...and will stay with the house if we ever move...but we love it!
Part of the prep for the fridge involved filtering four gallons of water through the water dispenser and disposing of it.  Daddy determined it was too tiring for him and set Bruiser up to complete the job!  He's a hard worker! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tonight we picked Daddy up from work and headed to the Y and local splash park.  I love that it is fenced in and that it is limited to Y members with a family makes it a bit calmer!  I also love that it is only open during the week from 5:30 to 8:00pm...which means Daddy is off work and can come help me!

(this was a typical!)

What a face!

Daddy and Bruiser kicking water at each other!

We have now tucked two very tired children into bed for a long sleep!  Tater is still away but we are looking forward to taking her for some splashing in August!