Monday, February 28, 2011

A Review of "Adventures in Boogabooga Land"

I recently had the opportunity to join the community of "BookSneeze" which provides bloggers with books and video to review and share their thoughts about.  I loved that it had a strong Christian background and that the site was simple to navigate.  I look forward to working more with them in the future!

For my first review, I chose a DVD for my children...knowing that my quiet reading time is limited at this point in my life and during the busy winter months!  When "Adventures in Boogabooga Land" arrived, my kids couldn't wait to pop in the DVD player!  This DVD is published by Thomas Nelson and it contains three episodes: 1. Squid Sushi loses his Marbles, ‘The lost Pearl’, 2. Wally the Waiter, ‘The Soil and the Seeds’ 3. The Flaming Monkey, ‘The Wedding Banquet’ The viewing time is approximately 45 minutes.
This DVD is published by Thomas Nelson and it contains three episodes: 1. Squid Sushi loses his Marbles, ‘The Lost Pearl’, 2. Wally the Waiter, ‘The Soil and the Seeds’ 3. The Flaming Monkey, ‘The Wedding Banquet’ The viewing time is approximately 45 minutes.

My children sat and didn't move the entire time!  I was amazed at how it held their attention and I was thrilled with the bible stories they were learning.  In fact, when "The Flaming Monkey" ended, there were actually tears because there were no more stories.  Judging from my children's reactions and how many times we have watched it since...I think we will be purchasing a few more of these movies!

Disclosure: I received this DVD free from Thomas Nelson Publishers through as part of their Book Review Blogger program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

We Need Lots and Lots of Prayers (Or Maybe an Exorcist!)

Sassy's bug morphed and moved on to Bruiser.  He spent 18 hours vomiting and complaining of tummy pain.  I finally broke down and gave him anti-nausea medicine and he seemed to get some relief.  So far he is now keeping down juice, Power-aid, ginger ale, and applesauce...hopefully for good!  I gave him a bath this morning and he immediately got out and curled up in bed under three covers and has been there since 11:30 without a peep.  He may have been more pitiful than Sassy!

Sassy is still just laying on the couch and napping her days away...without an ounce of sass.  Now she is refusing to walk on the toes of her right foot.  I can only imagine what that means!

I am busy disinfecting EVERYTHING, doing zillions of loads of laundry, and trying to keep the little ones hydrated.  Oh, and praying like crazy that no one else gets these germs!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poor Sick Sassy!

Its the eyes that really get me!

Update from Yesterday

So Sassy proceeded to be sick all afternoon.  She was unable to keep down any fluids and then I realized she hadn't had any in her since dinner the night before.  She was crying with no tears, running a temp of 102, and had no wet diapers.  One guess where a call to the doctor sent us! 

That's right!  Sassy and I spent the night in the ER - for the third time in the last six months!!!  She was so sick!  Luckily by the time we got to the ER she was able to keep the Motrin down and then she got more medicine for her tummy.  She also enjoyed several Popsicles and nice cup of "wa-wa." 

Every time someone came in the room she one was her friend!  During blood work, she screamed "No, Momma!" and when that didn't work, she switched to "No, Daddy!" - and he wasn't even there!

After much discussion with three different doctors, 3 exams, blood work, a catheter, and a five hour was determined that she had a horrendous ear infection in both ears...pus and blood included.  But if you ask Sassy if her ears hurt she says "no"! 

As for her iron issues, her iron levels are up, which is good.  On the other hand, red blood cell count is really low.  So they ran a Parvo titer and spoke to the on-call hematologist who is ordering repeat blood tests in two weeks.  They are leaning toward a virus and nothing too serious but there are still no answers.  They did suggest that all the iron issues are making her more likely to catch these crazy viruses, which may have led to us being in the ER last night.  Wonderful.

The little miss is still under-the-weather today.  She is still running the temp and just wants to lay and nap.  We have to make one run to pick up Tater and then we are spending the day snuggling at home.  We ALL need a restful, healing day!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Because we haven't had ENOUGH at the House of Sprout, Sassy woke up sick again this morning.  And because our life doesn't stop when someone is sick, we still had to take Bruiser to the dentist and then take Sassy for blood work.  Last night the doctor called...from his 8:00 at night...because he was concerned about her previous blood work.  Her iron levels were low but not the levels of her stored iron.  If both were low then it could simply be a case of anemia and be resolved with supplements.  But in her case, one level was normal.  So then he rattled off a big name for some rare disorder and threw in the words "bone marrow" and I proceeded to freak out!  Luckily the concern is with her red blood cell and not the very scary white blood cells.  So, sick or not, we headed off to take care of the blood work and are now waiting (not very patiently) for the results tomorrow and how to proceed from here.  It may be a VERY long night (with possibly lots of wine to help!).  Just look at that sad sleepy face...Sassy HATES blood work and wears herself out crying "owie!"

All that said, we welcome all prayers and positive thoughts...and will keep you updated as we learn more!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Cake and Presents!

Since we only have a "kid party" every other year (to save money and my sanity!), Tater opted to invite our friends over for cake last night.  Funny thing is that she invited them through their daughter on Friday but I never knew it until I invited them Sunday morning.  She knew what she wanted!

All said, it was a great day, full of family time and a nice visit with good friends!  Tater was happy to have a day all about her...but was sad that she couldn't share it with Papa.  Even though, she went to bed a year older and a lot happier!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some Randomness!

 Beach in the winter...edited, finally!
 Sleepy boy!
 Tater did the entire puzzle up-side-down!

 Sassy lounging
 Valentine's Day photo...edited
 A rare shot of Mommy
I was teaching during a parent night...and Daddy had control of the camera!
 Sassy worn out from a day of errands and therapy group
 On the train headed to the city
Daddy's favorite shot of the winter...looking out the Boston Science Museum at the ice on the Charles River.

Boston Science Museum!

 We were brave and headed into the big train!...with all three kids. 
Then we went to the science museum...on a Sunday during school vacation week.
Yes, we are crazy.

 Posing with T-Rex
 The best part of this picture was trying to get Bruiser (aka Dino Dan) to look at me!
He would turn, say "cheese", and spin back around before the shutter clicked.
He just couldn't take his eyes off the dinosaurs!

 Loved the wall of mirror pictures!
(I see a project in the future!)
 Daddy enjoyed this shot...Tater was standing with one foot in Boston and the other in Cambridge.
 Sassy loved the "archiological dig" site. 
 Couldn't decide which Bruiser liked better...the big bug or the train underneath!
Couldn't keep their attention for this shot...there was just TOO much to look at!
 Tater was getting ready to head into space!
And Bruiser decided to join her!
 This was the picture of the day!
Bruiser was so tired he laid down on the train seat and pushed a grown man out of his way so he could take a nap!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Against Our Wishes...

...this one is turning 6!

Really...we told her "no" but she has always had a mind of her own! 

  • We look at her now and struggle to remember her as a newborn, sleeping in her infant seat, lit up by the light for her jaundice, and holding Papa's finger in her fist. 
  • We tear up to look back at the pictures taken of her at her diagnosis with nephrotic puffy and swollen, but full of giggles and smiles! 
  • She has such a love for every moment of her sweet life. 
  • She brims with enthusiasm and creativity.
  • She is a smart little cookie who loves numbers but refuses to read...because Mommy wants her to!
  • She lives her life for Papa, horses and puppies, getting one-on-one time with Mommy and Daddy and being a little mommy to Bruiser and Sassy.
  • She loves being a big sister...even when Bruiser is "ruining her life"! 
  • Her social side has driven her to love school but struggle with Mommy and Daddy's restrictions and rules (yes, even at her young age!). 

She lives life to the fullest, loves unconditionally, and wears her emotions on her sleeve...and we wouldn't change her a bit!

(Although part of me wishes she had stayed this little!)

Happy, Happy
6th Birthday,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's A Free Day!

For the first time...maybe ALL year (and I know it's only mid-February!) a long time, I have NOTHING on the calendar! And its not a Snow Day and no child is sick (knock-on-wood). I'm a bit giddy!

The older two are going to school this afternoon. I'm going to put away laundry and accomplish a few chores. I might make it to the grocery store this evening. Sassy and I might venture out to Target before her nap. We will stick to Bruiser's schedule ALL day!

I actually feel a bit less stress today...all because of a blank day on my planner! Oh, and even better? Tomorrow is my book club and I actually can go for the first time since the fall...yeah! I have missed my Mommy-chat time! Now to just work on scheduling some "ladies nights" with all the various people that keep asking...poor Daddy...he'll have to be Mr. Mom for a few nights so I can stay sane!

So, I'm off to have "tuptakes" and "hassee" with Sassy and put away at least 8 loads of laundry (that I folded on Valentines Day...which has yet to be celebrated in the House of Sprout) and then maybe a shower before school preparation and a stroll through the store with the big red bulls eye. Enjoy your Wednesday!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Photo Catch-Up

Not only have the people in our house been sick, but so has my desktop computer that has my editing software on it. I love my Netbook for it's portability but not so much for it's photographic support aspect. Here are a few captured shots from the past week or so to catch you up...please try to ignore their unedited quality!

Snow Day Entertainment

Quiet reading corner time

Locked on to "Dino Dan"

Dreaming of being "Dino Dan"!

Daddy's newest woodworking this book ledge!

Sassy sneaking a P.B. snack!

After Mommy taking the P.B. away!

A warmish winter day at the beach!

Valentine Wishes from Us to You!
(Yes, it was that warm at our house today...craziness!)

We Share Germs in February Like Candy on Halloween!

As I write this, Daddy is recovering as the last and final victim of the "sickness of February 2011." I might seriously consider going into seclusion next year for the entire month...we ALL get sick EVERY February. I know it's important to teach your children to share...but seriously!

Here's the rundown...

  • Tuesday morning - Sassy
  • Wednesday night - Bruiser
  • Friday morning - Mommy (and I was sick the longest...I'm not sure the weekend even happened!)
  • Saturday night - Tater
  • Monday morning - Daddy

There was a consistent 36 hour incubation period between attacks...we knew how long before the next victim, the question was just "who." We have now made it through everyone in the house (and a few of the neighbors too!) so hopefully we are in the clear!

It has been a weird bug...tummy yucks in the kids, exhaustion in the grown-ups. I slept the ENTIRE weekend...and I have not done that since before kids!

One my favorite quotes was from Tater yesterday. Bruiser was talking about "throw up" and she chimed in very matter-of-factly, "You can call it puke, too, you know." And that has been the talk of the week.

(And, as a side note, Daddy has never liked Valentine's Day and giving gifts for such a "made-up holiday" so I have a theory...he purposely got sick today so we can't celebrate!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

An Update Post

Life gets away from us as we live it...long days, short years! So here is a little update on how things are going with each of our little ones.

Tater is loving kindergarten! She really likes the social part but is starting to learn to read and do some complex math things (for a five-year-old!). She had an appointment with her kidney doctor today and they are increasing her medicine because she relapsed again. The good news is that none of this affecting her growth and she is responding quickly to the steroids that treat the relapse. We're going to focus on the positive and hope that the increase in the medicine is just because she has gotten so tall! We'll see in four months if it is working...that the typical time limit for her relapses.

Bruiser is still having a tough time. His therapists for his SPD have determined that there is an anxiety piece that is affecting how well his sensory modifiers are working. We will be seeing a clinical social worker to help him (and us!) deal with this new development. I'm looking for strategies not medications to help him...and that's a stand that I refuse to sway from. All this is affecting him at school as well. I am currently trying to figure out the best way to address his needs there with creating an's awkward teaching in the same district he is attending with issues like this!

Sassy is still super-sassy! She all about her OT, "Heter" and her babysitter, "my Ha-ee" - they even top Mommy some of the time! She is still dropping (just falling from a standing position) for no clear reason. Her vision is fine and there are no ear issues. Our next step is Neurology to see if there are side effects left over from the concussion or other issues. Tomorrow she goes to see the pediatric podiatrist to see about her toe crossing issue. The orthopedist recommended surgery and I am not in favor of going that route...we are hoping for orthotics for her shoes or something along those lines.

So, if you can gather from all that, I spend most of my time at doctor appointments and at therapies. It's an exciting life! We'll make sure to share all our thrilling news as it develops...hoping you're holding your breath!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sickness Survival Kit (for the mother!)

So yesterday when Sassy was sick, I stopped by CVS on my way home from securing a substitute at work. As I walked up to the register, I had to laugh at my purchases...and I'm surprised the cashier didn't comment (but she was young...and probably didn't get it!). Here is what I bought:
  • Gatorade
  • Sprite
  • Ritz crackers
  • Lysol wipes
  • Lysol all-purpose spray
  • ...and a bag of CHOCOLATE!

Guess who the chocolate was for?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's A Boy!

Congratulations to

Dana and Nicholas!

Sawyer Mitchell

born February 7th

10 pounds 3 ounces

Can't wait for MORE pictures!