Monday, January 31, 2011

Randomness At The House!

Ever have one of those days where the world takes over and you can't seem to get ahead? That is pretty much every day in The House of Sprout...but Saturday was pretty extreme and I thought I should share a few visions with the bloggy world!
The pile of cuddle blankets on the couch...

Cheerios on the slide we keep inside the house when it's too cold to play outside...

Remnants of the cupcakes that certain children were told NOT to eat...

The groceries Daddy so helpfully carried in from the car so I could rest my shoulder...

Then some randomness...

The snowman Daddy and the kids built
(using their snowman kits from Auntie M and Uncle C!)

Tater rolling the head!
(Love the expression!)

And the dinosaur dirt cups I made for Bruiser's party...there was even a dinosaur "egg" (aka gumball) buried in the dirt!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"We Are The Dinosuars!"

Alternatively titled "Bruiser's 4th Birthday Party"!

Dinosaur tracks

Homemade Dino Tortilla Chips

Love that face!

The money shot!
Sensory Boy went in the bouncy house!

Obstacle Course

Sassy's friend!

Tater's friend, M

Bruiser, M, and her brother, B

Love this shot of Baby F!

Approaching meltdown

Baby F having a meltdown!

Bruiser's school friends!

MA, our neighbor

Mosh Pit - Birthday Party Style!

Baby F's brother, J

Cupcake time!

Present Time!
"It's a dinosaur!!!!"

Check out the nose!

Think we had a good time?
Thanks to everyone for a fabulous day for Bruiser!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Sledding We Will Go!!!

We decided to brave the local sledding hill this afternoon before the chilly weather hits tomorrow. Everyone was excited to go but mixed emotions arose as we ventured out!

Sassy is a princess...and we are okay with that!

Sledding all alone!

Daddy in the tunnel slide!


And Sassy realized she was in the snow...again!

Tater had a blast!

Bruiser refused to sled for most of the time...but loved exploring in the snow!

I even went for a ride!

Sassy's happy spot!

Exploring with Daddy

Tater made a friend...our social butterfly!

Sassy remembered where she was...yet again!


Bruiser gave in and went for a few rides!

It was a fun family afternoon...and we were happy to discover that all three were at an age where we could do this type of thing without a lot of stress! The best part? The yummy coffee Mommy and Daddy stopped for on the way home!