Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here, Piggy, Piggy!

It may sound like I'm joking...but I'm not! We made the decision earlier this week to keep Tater home from preschool until we were able to locate an H1N1 vaccine for her. The medicine she takes to maintain her kidney disease compromises her immune system. So, since she does NEED to be at school, we decided it was safer to keep her home. Well...that backfired! Yesterday she woke up with a nasty cough and by bedtime had a fever of around 100. A breathing treatment soothed the cough but brought her breathing to our attention. It was really fast and really heavy. We put a call into the pediatrician, who immediately sent us to the ER. Just where you want to take a child with low immunities in the middle of a flu outbreak!

So, Tater and I spent the evening in the local children's ER. We walked in with her mask already on and were quickly whisked away to a room. The only good thing about her immunity issues is that we never have to wait in the abdominal waiting room! Six hours, three breathing treatments, and some scary breathing moments later, we got the go ahead to take our H1N1 child home and medicate her thoroughly with Tamaflu. Oh, yes, we caught H1N1! So much for avoiding the germs!

Like I said, there were a few scary breathing moments. At first I doubted whether it was worth risk of taking her into the ER and if we really needed to be there. But while we were there, her breathing got much worse and the doctor (who was so YOUNG!!!!) actually got a bit panicky. Luckily, the THIRD breathing treatment snapped her back into place.

We are now giving her SEVEN medicines twice a day - 2 for her kidneys, Tamaflu, Tylenol, Albuterol, prescription lotion for her eczema, and anti-nausea medicine because she is taking so many drugs!

Oh, and the best part...last night at 1:00 am when I went to fill her Tamaflu prescription, I couldn't find any! Oh, yes, my daughter who caught swine flu because I couldn't get the vaccine now couldn't get the medicine she needed either! Luckily, at the second pharmacy I went to was able to grind down the adult dose and make her suspension formula. Insane!

We made it to trick=or-treating, but plan to rest all day we are praying that no one else catches those piggy germs that are flying about!

Happy Hauntings 2009

Our Little Flower (Miss Wiggles), Our Flutterby (Tater with the Swine Flu!),
and Our Cowardly Lion (Bruiser)
The Annual Neighborhood Trick-or-Treat Gathering
(I think some of the neighbors turn off their lights when they see us taking over the 'hood!)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Miss Wiggles!

We had a nice quiet dinner at home for Miss Wiggles' first birthday! She enjoyed some yummy spaghetti and a couple mini pumpkin muffins. Then we SKYPEd with both sets of grandparents and headed to bed early... a perfect day in Miss Wiggles' world!

And the wiggles were caught for all times!

Out of the Mouths of Sprouts!

Tater: Momma, I miss Papa and Mimi.
Momma: I'm sorry, Tater, but we'll see them soon.
Tater: Everything would be so much better if they were sitting right next to me!


Tater: I'm wearing sweat pants just like you do all the time, Momma! I can be cozy, just like you!
(I guess I need to change up my wardrobe a bit!)


Tater (calling Bruiser): Oh, sire! I need your help in the castle!


Daddy to Miss Wiggles (at dinner last night): Miss Wiggles, don't lick the table!


Momma to Miss Wiggles (this morning after a very LONG night!): Hello, my little bed-buddy! You know, you have your own bed you can sleep in?
Miss Wiggles: *wiggle, wiggle* and *giggle, giggle*


Thank goodness it's Friday!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Miss Wiggles!

This time last year, you joined our little family and brightened our world! You have amazed each day - from how quickly you arrived to how well you slept through the night to how independent you've become. You always have a giggle and a wiggle to brighten our days! You've been the best baby and have become the most amazing little daredevil - even as tiny as you are! We never know what new little trick you will quietly reveal to us next! You're walking, talking ("Mama", "Dada", "night-night", "ya", "more"), watching what your brother and sister are doing, learning to drink from a sippy, loving table food (even pizza!), and loving to be Mommy's bed-buddy at night. You were our surprise that we could never live without and we love more today than yesterday, Peanut!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What I Learned This Week

I'm joining Jo-Lynne at Musing of a Housewife again this week...and have I ever been learning!

I learned Bruiser's tantrums and biting are a bit more than that of a normal two-year-old. We've learned he has a sensory processing disorder. I've been trying to think of an easy way to describe that but I'm not there yet. He will be starting therapy this week to learn how to direct his energy and anger. And Daddy and I will be learning calming techniques for when he melts down. Hopefully, when he turns three and ages out of Early Intervention, the school department will continue his services. We met with them last week and it went well...we'll get an answer in December (because the brilliant school department is the same brilliant one I work for and they thrive on last minute decisions!).

I did learn that his learning issues are not my fault! I didn't do anything or not do anything to cause him to be this way...and from what I've been told, that's a big step on my part!

I learned we have wonderful friends who helped to make Miss Wiggles' first birthday celebration a success! We had a great day, in spite of the rain.

I learned that even with those great friends, we still missed a few know who you are and know you were missed!

I learned that a weekend visit with the grandparents is just what the children needed! And it is possible to have Papa and Mimi leave on Monday morning without the downpour of tears!

I learned that if there is chocolate cake on the counter, Bruiser will find a way to get it in his mouth!

I learned that Tater can be dancing around the kitchen and her hand can happen to just fall into the icing!

I learned there must be a black cloud over our house alerting squirrels to commit suicide in our fountain - we had our third one this weekend and we don't even live in the country!

I learned Bruiser cannot go to dance class and wait! IT DOES NOT WORK!!!!!

I learned the dreaded flu has hit our school and I just want to curl up in my house and keep my little ones healthy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up...Birthday Bash, Beach, and Break Time!

We had a fun and busy weekend - one that included Papa and Mimi visiting and Miss Wiggles' first birthday party. We had planned a fun outdoor farm party and, of course, it rained on Saturday (the day of the party) and was beautiful on Sunday. That's the luck of our family! But all had fun - outside or in!

Here are a few birthday shots. I was so busy I put Papa in charge of camera work and have to wait on him to send me the pictures!

Miss Wiggles' pumpkin cake
pumpkin cupcakes for the kids!

Miss Wiggles' own cupcake!
She loved the cake but wasn't too sure of all the people watching her. I think we had a few tears during the process!

The day got more interesting as the rain approached in unbelievable downpours, the toilet flooded - through the floor and flooded the basement (yes, during the party!), and one young guest found a suicidal chipmunk floating in our little pond. Like I've said before, we never do anything simple or easy! By Saturday night I was more than ready to settle in with a bottle of wine and have a nice long visit with a good neighbor!
Sunday, we slept in and missed church...not on purpose but it was well-deserved and much-enjoyed! Then we went for a little hike at Tater's favorite spot - "Secret Beach."

Papa and Bruiser

Miss Wiggles, the princess in her chariot

Papa and the kids

Bruiser on the run!

Break Time!

Battling to see who could sit the highest

Mimi and Bruiser
The Family
If only Miss Wiggles was looking, we might have had a Christmas card picture!
We ended the day with shopping (Do you have your "flu box" ready?), chores, Wii playing, and yummy grilled dinner. No one wanted to get this morning but we headed back to work and home for Mimi and Papa. Tater is on her first field trip with preschool (Mommy couldn't go because they changed the date due to weather and I have no one to watch the other two!). And Daddy is at work finally ... after not being able to find his keys and then realizing that he left them on the bumper of my van yesterday and then finding them in the road a few blocks from our house! Again, never a dull moment!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm not much in the mood to blog right now - too much going on!

  • Bruiser had his developmental re-evaluation for Early Intervention today, followed by his initial meeting with the school department to determine if they will continue his services when he turns three. And we went from speech and hearing concerns to fine motor delays, sensory issues with a huge lack of attention. Just lovely! The good news is that he tested through the roof cognitively! He's super smart but refuses to use his words to communicate, sit still to learn, or make transitions easily. I guess there is still a long road ahead! Early Intervention will continue his services until January and we find out in December if the school department will service him.

  • Miss Wiggles' first birthday party is Saturday! I need to cook, bake, clean, organize...and I still need to buy pumpkins!!! Ahhhhhh! I'll be a bit calmer by Sunday

  • Papa and Mimi are coming to visit tomorrow! The kids are so excited!

  • We are also trying to make some pet decisions. More about that later...I promise, Dana!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time to Carve the Jack'O'Lantern!

We continued our autumn traditions by carving our Jack'O'Lantern tonight. While Daddy cut the pumpkin open and scooped out the "glue" (Tater's word for the slimy, gooey stuff!), Tater and Bruiser "designed" our pumpkin's face. Tater wanted a happy face and Bruiser wanted a sad, Bruiser "pumpin".

Tater's Work!

Mommy's drawing from Bruiser's directions

Watching Daddy cut into the pumpkin

As Daddy was finishing up the carving, Miss Wiggles had a bit of a tumble - just in time for all those first birthday party pictures! It swelled and bruised immediately...just lovely!

So sad!

Daddy finished the pumpkin alone! Bruiser ended up on time out ... in the high chair because I couldn't think of another spot where he'd stay put!..., Tater was playing kitchen, and Miss Wiggles was cuddling with me and recovering from her bump.

Bruiser needed an up closer and personal look at the "pumpin"!

Eyes closed!

I think Tater's look was for the pumpkin but it looks like she really loves her brother, doesn't it!